Toilet Bowl Concept Restaurant at Queensbay Mall, Penang | Convert double to int - C# source code | Bon Odori Carnival 2008 ~ Japanese Food Fair at Esplanade Penang | The most important words | Do you know how Olympic Beijing 2008 logo come from? | Are we blogging live from Apple�s iPhone OS 4.0 announcement? | Freeing Ordnance Survey data: is it a good thing? Our analysis | Android Market goes ballistic as app totals go through the roof | Painting in Photoshop CS5: Adobe posts another 'sneak peek' video | Palm shares leap 20% as Lenovo takeover rumours circulate

Toilet Bowl Concept Restaurant at Queensbay Mall, Penang

Posted by Jayceooi
Do you have a chance to eat your lunch in the toilet? YES. I mean TOILET. No way, right? HeHe… My group had our lunch at Toilet Bowl Concept Restaurant in Queensbay Mall, Penang. There are really a lot of toilet bowl over there. Don’t believe me? Read on to find out… (more…)[...]
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Convert double to int – C# source code

Posted by Jayceooi
Hope this will help. The guide to convert double to int on C# source code double i = 7.88;
int x = Convert.ToInt32( i );[...]
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Bon Odori Carnival 2008 ~ Japanese Food Fair at Esplanade Penang

Posted by Jayceooi
Yeah!!! It is mum mum time. Let’s go to Japanese Food Fair ~ Bon Odori Carnival 2008 at Esplanade Penang. HeHe… Actually, this was a past event on 19 July 2008. Sorry for the late post. Being too busy lately. Okay… Let’s start the party…
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The most important words

Posted by Jayceooi
Something to share…* The 10 most important words:
I won’t wait for others to take the first step.* The 9 most important words:
If it is to be, it’s up to me.* The 8 most important words:
If not me, who? If not now, when?* The 7 most important words:
Let me take a shot at it.* The 6 most important words:
I will not pass the buck.* The 5 most important words:
You can count on me.* The 4 most important words:
It IS my job!* The 3 most important words:
Just do it!* The 2 most important words:
I will.* The most important word:
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Do you know how Olympic Beijing 2008 logo come from?

Posted by Jayceooi
Do you know how Olympic Beijing 2008 logo come from? (more…)[...]
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Are we blogging live from Apple�s iPhone OS 4.0 announcement?

Posted by Wirefresh
Sorry, no. We won’t be running minute-by-minute reports of the hours leading up to Apple�s iPhone OS 4.0 announcement. There’ll be no news about the weather outside the event, no...[...]
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Freeing Ordnance Survey data: is it a good thing? Our analysis

Posted by Wirefresh
Recently, the UK mapping agency Ordnance Survey announced that it was making all of its data freely available to the public online, as part of a government drive to give...[...]
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Android Market goes ballistic as app totals go through the roof

Posted by Wirefresh
Android is growing fast. Very fast. Earlier this week we reported its surging market share in the US, and new figures show that the all-important Android Market is keeping pace,...[...]
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Painting in Photoshop CS5: Adobe posts another ‘sneak peek’ video

Posted by Wirefresh
Keen to keep punters clamouring for the next big Photoshop upgrade, digital artiste John Derry has posted up a video showcasing CS5′s painting abilities.[...]
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Palm shares leap 20% as Lenovo takeover rumours circulate

Posted by Wirefresh
Rarely has a single tech company been associated with so many different takeover contenders, and fresh whispers of an imminent buy out today (Wednesday) saw mobile phone makers Palm’s stocks...[...]
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