Posted by Jayceooi
When SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON, identifiers can be delimited by double quotation ” marks, and literals must be delimited by single quotation ‘ marks. However, when SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF, identifiers cannot be quoted and must follow all Transact-SQL rules for identifiers. Hmm… So what this mean?For example,SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER OFF
GO– You cannot use reserved keyword, it will fail
CREATE TABLE “select” (“identity” INT IDENTITY NOT NULL, “order” INT NOT NULL)
GO– When is ON, you can use reserved keyword. It will pass.
CREATE TABLE “select” (“identity” INT IDENTITY NOT NULL,[...]
Continue ReadingGO– You cannot use reserved keyword, it will fail
CREATE TABLE “select” (“identity” INT IDENTITY NOT NULL, “order” INT NOT NULL)
GO– When is ON, you can use reserved keyword. It will pass.
CREATE TABLE “select” (“identity” INT IDENTITY NOT NULL,[...]
Posted by Jayceooi
When SET ANSI_WARNINGS ON, warning message will be returned. On the other hand, SET ANSI_WARNINGS OFF will turn off the warning message.[...]
Continue ReadingWW36 weekly contest winners
Posted by Jayceooi
Yeah… The WW36 weekly contest is finally ended. And we have 2 lucky winners, Chin Wei and Mr Soleh. Only 2 people participated in this contest and both of them got the answers correct. Both of them will receive one RM10 KFC / Pizza Hut voucher. And I will keep one for myself. HeHe… Here are the answers for WW36 weekly contest…1. Who is the owner of
Jayce Ooi
2. When is the birthday of
30 March (2007)Were the questions easy? HeHe… Too bad that most of the people just drop by and left without participate the contest. Wondering why? Never mind, there is another contest coming out this weekend.[...]
Continue ReadingJayce Ooi
2. When is the birthday of
30 March (2007)Were the questions easy? HeHe… Too bad that most of the people just drop by and left without participate the contest. Wondering why? Never mind, there is another contest coming out this weekend.[...]
Why Some People Have All the Luck?
Posted by Jayceooi
I received this email. It caught my eyes. Sharing it out for all of you to enjoy…Why Some People Have All the Luck? By Professor Richard Wiseman, University of HertfordshireWhy do some people get all the luck while others never get the breaks they deserve? (more…)[...]
Continue ReadingLast day for WW36 weekly contest
Posted by Jayceooi
Hurry up!!! WW36 weekly contest is due tonight 8pm. 3 FREE KFC / Pizza Hut vouchers will be given. For those don’t like the voucher, you can opt for RM10 cash / US$ 3 PayPal.[...]
Continue ReadingUK Apple iPad launch delayed by a month. Vodafone, Orange, o2 set to stock
Posted by Wirefresh
Apple have announced that they will be postponing the international launch of the iPad by one month, so UK users won’t be able to get their chip-stained, ale-soaked hands on...[...]
Continue ReadingRobonaut 2: the first humanoid robot to go into space
Posted by Wirefresh
NASA and General Motors have announced that they plan to send the Robonaut 2 humanoid robot (R2 to its friends) to the International Space Station this year, with aim of...[...]
Continue ReadingHTC Windows Mobile interface gets hacked into a thing of beauty
Posted by Wirefresh
Although HTC has done wonders papering over the considerable cracks of supreme fugliness to be found in the UI of Microsoft’s Windows Mobile, it’s still not something that we feel...[...]
Continue ReadingNokia’s new social-loving C6 and E5 handsets: specs and video
Posted by Wirefresh
We posted about Nokias’s super-budget Nokia C3 handset yesterday, and here’s two more low-cost messaging phones being served up for� for your deliberation, both keen to promote their social networking...[...]
Continue ReadingHTC Incredible specs leak – and boy are they juicy!
Posted by Wirefresh
We’ve been loving the recent HTC Desire, Nexus One, Legend handsets and their upcoming Incredible handset looks set to, well, fully live up to its name, offering a spec sheet...[...]
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