Can you guess? | SET ANSI_NULLS ON / OFF (Transact-SQL) | SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL ON / OFF (Transact-SQL) | CREATE INDEX (Transact-SQL) | How to change GridView HeaderText? | Humax PVT 9200T PVR - problems, slow performance and freezes | Facebook prepares to take over the world as clever new features announced | Dell lines up the astonishing Lightning Windows Phone 7 handset | Dell Thunder Android smartphone packs 4.1-inch OLED screen | Dell Flash: curved glass Android handset is an absolute stunner

Can you guess?

Posted by Jayceooi
Can you guess? If not, click here for answer.[...]
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Posted by Jayceooi
When SET ANSI_NULLS is ON, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name = NULL returns zero rows even if there are null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns zero rows even if there are nonnull values in column_name.When SET ANSI_NULLS is OFF, the Equals (=) and Not Equal To (<>) comparison operators do not follow the ISO standard. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name = NULL returns the rows that have null values in column_name. A SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> NULL returns the rows that have nonnull values in the column. Also, a SELECT statement that uses WHERE column_name <> XYZ_value retur[...]
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Posted by Jayceooi
When SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is ON, concatenating a null value with a string yields a NULL result.
For example,SELECT ‘abc’ + NULL == NULL.When SET CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL is OFF, concatenating a null value with a string yields the string itself (the null value is treated as an empty string).
For example,SELECT ‘abc’ + NULL == abc.[...]
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Posted by Jayceooi
CREATE INDEX, why do we need to create index at SQL table? By create index in table will help to locate rows more quickly and efficiently. You can create UNIQUE, CLUSTERED and NONCLUSTERED index.For example,CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name (column_name)Above is the simple way to create an index into a table. By default, NONCLUSTERED INDEX is created. So what does UNIQUE, CLUSTERED and NONCLUSTERED index mean?UNIQUE
Creates a unique index on a table or view. A unique index is one in which no two rows are permitted to have the same index key value. A clustered index on a view must be unique.CLUSTERED
Creates an index in which the logical order of the key values determines the physical ord[...]
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How to change GridView HeaderText?

Posted by Jayceooi
How to change GridView HeaderText? I have been looking for this solution for days. Finally, I got the answer. Yeah…
Here is the code…GridView01.Columns[0].HeaderText = “HeaderName”;This will change the GridView’s first column to “HeaderName”.[...]
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Humax PVT 9200T PVR – problems, slow performance and freezes

Posted by Wirefresh
We’ve been using two Humax PVT 9200T freeview digital set-top boxes around the office for nearly two years, and in recent months we’ve been suffering increasing problems with the units....[...]
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Facebook prepares to take over the world as clever new features announced

Posted by Wirefresh
Facebook is lining itself up to become the glue that bonds the web together with the announced introduction of� its universal “like” button. It sounds a simple enough proposition letting...[...]
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Dell lines up the astonishing Lightning Windows Phone 7 handset

Posted by Wirefresh
We’re already been wowed by Dell’s double helping of Android goodness, and the next beauty to be leaked out is their Windows Phone 7-powered Dell Lightning slider handset.[...]
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Dell Thunder Android smartphone packs 4.1-inch OLED screen

Posted by Wirefresh
Bish bosh! It seems Dell’s shoulder-barging the doors of the Android party and keen to join the revellers, serving up a natty high end smartphone of its own, known as...[...]
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Dell Flash: curved glass Android handset is an absolute stunner

Posted by Wirefresh
Dell’s new Android Thunder got us mightily stoked, but their proposed ‘Flash’ handset has got us dribbling on the store windows in anticipation. Apparently set to be created out of...[...]
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