WW38 weekly contest
Posted by Jayceooi
Here comes another weekly contest. I have 3 x RM10 (US$3) cash giveaway for this weekly contest as I mention on my previous post – RM210 (US$63) cash giveaway at JayceOoi.com. Please read this post if you have not.WW38 weekly contest question
Who am I? click here for tips.Hurry up. Write out your answer and post it at your blog (example post). Then leave a comment here with your post link at website column. And let me know at jayce.ooi@gmail.com if your comment cannot appear.Note –
- Submit by Thursday, 25 September 2008 8.00pm.
- Write a blog post with correct answer + link to JayceOoi.com.
- RM10 (US$3) for the first blogger with correct answer.
- 2 x RM10 (US$3) will be drawn[...]
Continue ReadingWho am I? click here for tips.Hurry up. Write out your answer and post it at your blog (example post). Then leave a comment here with your post link at website column. And let me know at jayce.ooi@gmail.com if your comment cannot appear.Note –
- Submit by Thursday, 25 September 2008 8.00pm.
- Write a blog post with correct answer + link to JayceOoi.com.
- RM10 (US$3) for the first blogger with correct answer.
- 2 x RM10 (US$3) will be drawn[...]
Microsoft Explorer Mini Mouse with BlueTrack Technology
Posted by Jayceooi
Yeah… I like Microsoft Explorer Mini Mouse with BlueTrack Technology. BlueTrack Technology is Microsoft�s proprietary BlueTrack Technology works on more surfaces than both optical and laser mice. Therefore, it works on virtually any surface including on granite countertops, living room or airport carpets�even on a wood table or a rough, unfinished park bench. Cool huh? (more…)[...]
Continue ReadingReplacement Microsoft Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 7000 arrived
Posted by Jayceooi
Huh? Why am I getting a new Microsoft Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 7000 as replacement? Oh, if you read my previous post – Microsoft Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 7000 Preview and Help! My Microsoft Wireless Notebook Laser Mouse 7000 does not perform well. You will get some ideas from there. (more…)[...]
Continue ReadingDownload WordPress theme – PassionDuo Red
Posted by Jayceooi
Yoo… I modified WordPress theme – PassionDuo Red to have photo frame (drop shadow) on the images. Whoever want to use it can download WordPress theme – PassionDuo Red here.Enjoy…[...]
Continue ReadingWW37 weekly contest winners
Posted by Jayceooi
The WW37 weekly contest is ended. We have 3 lucky winners this time. There are Chin Wei, Mr Soleh and flowerhorn. Only 3 people participated in this contest and all of them got the answer correct. All of them will receive one RM10 KFC / Pizza Hut voucher or RM10 (US$3) cash. Well done to them. Here is the answer for WW37 weekly contest�Lucky is one of my favorite pets. He sits on my table all the time.[...]
Continue ReadingYouTube turns five. ‘ Common People’ video reminds us why it’s ace
Posted by Wirefresh
Five years ago to the day, YouTube founder Jawed Karim posted an indescribably dull video of himself at a zoo on banging on about ‘cool elephants’. The 19-second clip was...[...]
Continue ReadingApollo 11 Saturn V Launch – awesome slo-mo footage
Posted by Wirefresh
We love all things NASA, and this superb piece of footage of the Apollo 11 launch shows the immense power of the Saturn V rocket in delicious slow motion. This...[...]
Continue ReadingWeather HD for the iPad – lush, gorgeous, stunning – but a bit OTT
Posted by Wirefresh
Like most Brits, we’re always interested in the weather, with a slew of weather apps usually being the first things to get installed on any new gadget we buy. We’ve...[...]
Continue ReadingInternalz, file manager for Palm webOS, gets release, looks great
Posted by Wirefresh
File managers may not be the most exciting thing you’re going to install on your handset, but for power users, compulsive tinkerers and folks who like to be in total...[...]
Continue ReadingAndroid runs on the iPhone! Video and instructions
Posted by Wirefresh
It’s a not a job for non-techies, but anyone interested in the tantalising prospect of a dual booting Apple OS/Android iPhone should check out this incredible video that’s just been...[...]
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