AT&T Works on Expanding Toggle BYOD Service to PCs, Macs | Twitter Finally Ditches "50+", New and Old Tweets Now Show Exact Counts Of Retweets and Favorites | Funding daily: Give your own investment to a solar project | How to reconcile the shares data problem (part two of two) | Target Practice

AT&T Works on Expanding Toggle BYOD Service to PCs, Macs

Posted by PCWorld
AT&T plans to extend its dual-personality software for mobile devices, called Toggle, to provide a walled-off and encrypted work environment within PCs and Macs as well as mobile devices.
That new capability is still under development for an unspecified date on AT&T's road map. But, along with other enhancements announced on Wednesday with Version 2.0 of Toggle, it could make the service into a broader platform for remote work. Toggle 1.0 was announced last October for Android devices. Now it is set to ship for Apple iOS in the next few weeks and for BlackBerry and Windows Phone by the end of the year.
Toggle combines a service for enterprises with an app for downloading to consumers[...]
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Twitter Finally Ditches “50+”, New and Old Tweets Now Show Exact Counts Of Retweets and Favorites

Posted by TechCrunch
Tweets past, present, and future now show their exact number of retweets and favorites instead of showing “50+” if they pass that count — a move that could promote vanity and competition on Twitter. Since the change is applied retroactively, you can see a tweet about stopping polio from Bill Gates last year got�1,178 retweets and 119 favorites, and yes, all Justin Bieber had to do was tweet “New York City. #BELIEVE” this week to score 22,276 retweets.
The change could remove the need for some wildly popular accounts to use third-party measurement tools, but mostly it will just let the average person see when they or someone else has a true moment of brilliance.[...]
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Funding daily: Give your own investment to a solar project

Posted by VentureBeat
It was a bit quiet on the funding front today, but several companies managed to raise capital. China’s largest wiki and a data monitoring company were among those raking in the cash. Check them out below.
For more funding news as it happens, subscribe to our Deals Channel feed. You can also follow VentureBeat on Twitter, @venturebeat, to view funding news as it’s published.
Created in 2005,�calls itself the world?s largest Chinese-language wiki with 6.4 million entries. The company is reportedly raising a $50 million third round of funding. Part of funding is being raised by online private investment platform�Xpert Financial. Read more on VentureBeat:�Chin[...]
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How to reconcile the shares data problem (part two of two)

Posted by Gigaom
The most important thing for a publisher to know is that their shares data ?could? be wrong, and they should tread carefully. Many services have been built around tracking social for larger brands and publishers, but everyone seems to be turning a blind eye to this problem.
As the CEO of, I?ve worked with some of the Web?s best publishers to help them solve their data problems. In the first post of this series, I discussed the serious problems associated with shares data. In this post, I?ll address the flip side of the coin and explain how we can reconcile the shares data problem. Over the past three years, it?s become increasingly evident that publishers? data challenges are steadi[...]
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Target Practice

Posted by TechCrunch
Apple’s WWDC keynote had a different rhythm befitting the post Jobs post Facebook IPO world we’re in. Days after Larry Ellison’s wooden capitulation to the Cloud, the tech press could be forgiven for the pedestrian way they consumed the news. Ellison has clearly absorbed Marc Benioff’s script for the last 3 or 13 years, but made no attempt at challenging his protege’s style and passion. Tim Cook and his team relied on the power of their strategy rather than the stagecraft of the event.
Integrate Facebook. Check. Open Facetime to cellular. Check. Take Google Maps off the table as a disruptor. Check. Siri-fy push notifications, apps, driving, Twitter, Likes, @ment[...]
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