How to Permanently Erase Personal Files From a Company PC
Posted by PCWorld
Reader Steve wrote in with this question:
"I need to remove personal files from a company machine. What do you recommend to permanently shred such files?"
This is a common scenario. You might be returning a company laptop before leaving for another job, or just handing off an old machine prior to getting a newer one.
Heck, maybe the IT department just decreed that personal data is a no-no on company hardware.
Whatever the case, you want to be sure to remove all traces of your files. What you need is a file shredder, a utility that not only deletes selected data, but also makes it impossible to reconstruct. (It's akin to feeding sensitive paper documents into an actual shredder.)
There are co[...]
Continue Reading"I need to remove personal files from a company machine. What do you recommend to permanently shred such files?"
This is a common scenario. You might be returning a company laptop before leaving for another job, or just handing off an old machine prior to getting a newer one.
Heck, maybe the IT department just decreed that personal data is a no-no on company hardware.
Whatever the case, you want to be sure to remove all traces of your files. What you need is a file shredder, a utility that not only deletes selected data, but also makes it impossible to reconstruct. (It's akin to feeding sensitive paper documents into an actual shredder.)
There are co[...]
Twitter slowly unfolding its search ambitions
Posted by Gigaom
Twitter has been slowly transforming itself into a post-Google information company. In past few weeks alone it has unveiled expandable tweets, hashtag-based pages and other similar innovations. These embellishments to their core messaging offering show that it is Twitter, and not Facebook, that Google has to worry about.
Twitter’s search ambitions are becoming clearer with the people it is adding to its search team. For instance, it recently hired away John Wang, a well-known�engineer in the search business from LinkedIn. In addition, the company added�Ruslan Belkin as a Director of Engineering, Search and Relevance. Twitter has also made its search better, or at least faster, as it no[...]
Continue ReadingTwitter’s search ambitions are becoming clearer with the people it is adding to its search team. For instance, it recently hired away John Wang, a well-known�engineer in the search business from LinkedIn. In addition, the company added�Ruslan Belkin as a Director of Engineering, Search and Relevance. Twitter has also made its search better, or at least faster, as it no[...]
Apple's Ping Social Network to Shutter, Report
Posted by PCWorld
Apple will shut down its music-focused social networking service Ping in favor of partnerships with Facebook and Twitter, according to an online report[...]
Continue ReadingAMD Adds ARM Processor as It Looks Beyond x86
Posted by PCWorld
Starting next year, AMD chips will integrate ARM's Cortex-A5 processor with TrustZone security technology[...]
Continue ReadingiFixit Teardown: Retina MacBook Pro Will be Hard to Repair
Posted by PCWorld
Apple had to make a few design compromises in order to build the slim Retina MacBook Pro[...]
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