Google Reports 'Alarming' Rate of Government Censorship | Knight Foundation Bets Mobile Sensor Startup,, Is The Future of Journalism | RIM sloughs off manufacturer Celestica as it reevaluates supply chain | ATandT wants to teach an old spectrum band new 4G tricks | Samsung's SAFE for Galaxy S III Aims to Help IT Embrace Android

Google Reports 'Alarming' Rate of Government Censorship

Posted by PCWorld
Generally when Google shows up in the news regarding information being exposed on the Web it?s about privacy issues and concerns that too much data is being stored or distributed by the Internet giant. It?s also possible, though, that in some cases Google may not be displaying enough information.
About two years ago Google started posting data online in its Transparency Report. The data includes real-time traffic information, as well as requests from individuals, companies, or governments to surrender data, and requests to have sites or information removed from Google search or from YouTube.
Governments should be very careful about engaging in censorship.Requests from users to remove sites i[...]
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Knight Foundation Bets Mobile Sensor Startup,, Is The Future of Journalism

Posted by TechCrunch
“Our social networks are not Facebook,” says Nadav Aharony, an�Android project manager�and one of the six winners of the Knight Foundation’s $1.3 million in grants for media innovation. Instead of intentional online connections, his�startup, Behavio, looks at how peoples’ location, network of phone contacts, physical proximity, and movement throughout the day can help us predict range of behaviors — anything from fitness to app downloads to mass protests.The entire big-data mobile smorgasbord is based on an open source project he helped built at the MIT Media Lab, Funf, a public database of android-friendly software for turning cell phone toting-humans into will[...]
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RIM sloughs off manufacturer Celestica as it reevaluates supply chain

Posted by VentureBeat
Research in Motion is cutting its supply chain up, starting with smartphone manufacturer Celestica, which will stop RIM production completely within the next 3-6 months.
The manufacturer expects to spend around $35 million on restructuring after RIM’s departure.
RIM has been reevaluating its supply chain as sales dwindle in the competition against iOS and Android. The company, whose devices were extremely popular in corporate environments, is failing to keep up with the consumer smartphone demands that Google and Apple have both readily met. In an effort to hold on, RIM is slimming down, including this supply chain restructure and an expected operating loss for its first quarter 2012 e[...]
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AT&T wants to teach an old spectrum band new 4G tricks

Posted by Gigaom
A wireless band that the mobile industry has practically written off may get a new life as 4G spectrum if a new proposal from AT&T and Sirius XM gets regulatory approval. The two strange bedfellows have submitted a joint filing to the FCC requesting permission to use AT&T?s long dormant 2.3 GHz Wireless Communications Service (WCS) for an LTE network.
Deploying any kind of service on WCS has been cluster-you-know-what for any operator that has made the attempt. ExtremeTech provides an excellent description of the problems�of making WCS workable for mobile broadband:
WCS licenses were auctioned off by the FCC in 1997. The FCC hoped that it would be used rather quickly, but the restric[...]
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Samsung's SAFE for Galaxy S III Aims to Help IT Embrace Android

Posted by PCWorld
Samsung announced a new program on Monday to help enterprise IT shops feel more confident about allowing workers to use the coming Galaxy S III smartphone on the job.
Galaxy S III smartphones sold by all five U.S. mobile carriers starting later in June and early July will be branded SAFE, for Samsung Approved for Enterprise.
The SAFE program means Samsung has set up support and quality assurance for 338 smartphone management policies important to IT, including 256-bit encryption on the device, enhanced support for Microsoft's Exchange ActiveSync, support for leading Virtual Private Network software and for a number of Mobile Device Management systems.
The new 4.8-in., Android 4.0 smartphone[...]
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